John McCain’s 6:25 p.m. Birth Chart and the Presidency

Therese Hamilton

Long after many astrologers had analyzed McCain’s morning chart in relation to the presidency, a photocopy of his actual birth certificate was posted on the internet. This chart gives a 6:25 time of birth in Colon, Panama. However, as Ron Gaunt’s research has shown, McCain was very likely born in Cocosolo. But for astrological purposes, the two hospitals have essentially the same location.

The 6:25 p.m. chart was a relief to me because I was always puzzled why the morning chart didn’t seem to reflect McCain’s career according to Jyotish concepts. But I accepted the chart and assumed that there was always something about astrology I could learn.

The 6:25 p.m. chart much more clearly reflects the possibility of a rise in status to a presidential candidate. Saturn, ascendant lord in opposition to Venus, 9th lord forms a powerful raja (?kingly’) yoga according to Jyotish. Jupiter is at the M.C. Though a malefic planet for McCain’s Aquarius ascendant, Jupiter is in the lunar mansion of Mercury, benefic 5th lord. Nevertheless, Jupiter will bring problems for McCain at various times in his life. The evening birth chart has a strongly angular Sun on the 7th cusp, and the Sun is vargottama, in the same sign in the navamsa chart. In a lunar mansion of Venus, the 9th lord, the Sun will act in a benefic way.

McCain’s Dasas
Testing the dasas (planetary periods), we find that after his Viet Nam imprisonment, McCain was released after Jupiter’s major period began. As this period progressed, he attended the National War College and received career promotions. He also divorced his wife and married Cindy Hensley. Under Jupiter-Sun McCain was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Under Jupiter-Rahu he was elected to the U.S. Senate. McCain’s rise continued under Saturn’s dasa. Saturn is placed in its best sign (moolatrikona Aquarius) in the first house.

McCain entered his 17 year Mercury dasa on November 13, 2006 (Krishnamurti). Two days after that date McCain announced the establishment of an exploratory committee for the 2008 presidential election. McCain was still in a double Mercury period when he declared his victory as the Republican nominee, but in the antara (sub 2) period of Mars. Mars is McCain’s 10th house lord, and is in the 6th in trine to 10th house Jupiter. McCain entered the antara period of Jupiter on July 28, 2008, so his ruling planets are Mercury-Mercury-Jupiter at the time of the election.

In the natal chart Mercury is in the 8th house, though exalted in Virgo in the lunar mansion of the Sun, so will bring the results of the angular vargottama Sun. But we can expect that McCain won’t survive his entire Mercury dasa because of its 8th house placement. In the dasamsa (great success) chart, Mercury is in Leo and receives the opposition of Jupiter in Aquarius in the 9th (one degree from the natal ascendant). So the dasa periods and sub-periods don’t deny a rise to the presidency. It’s significant, I think, that dasamsa Jupiter is on McCain’s natal ascendant.

McCain’s 2007 Solar Return
August 30, 2007 11:02:59 p.m. EST, Colon or Cocosolo, Panama; Asc. 1Tau33 Krishnamurti

This is the solar year that McCain became the Republican presidental nominee. Transiting Jupiter is on natal M.C. and natal Jupiter. This chart essentially reflects a Jupiter return. Solar Venus is on the natal I.C. and close to McCain’s 10th lord, Mars. Saturn is just at the nadir, but Saturn is the 9th lord in this chart so doesn’t deny Jupiter’s gifts. The SR Moon is closely trine 10th lord Mars. Jupiter on natal M.C. and natal Mars on the I.C. trined by both Jupiter and the Moon are the keys to this year’s chart.

McCain’s 2008 Solar Return
August 30, 2008 5:13:31 a.m. EST Cocosolo; Asc 28Can 35 Krishnamurti

Strangely enough except for Ketu-Neptune crossing the horizon, this chart doesn’t feature strongly angualar planets. One might conclude then, that McCain will be out of the presidential picture. However, the chart doesn’t really suggest a defeat. The ascendant lord Moon is in the first house foreground placed between Fortuna and a Leo Sun, which in turn is with Saturn.

Natal Mars, 10th lord, is above the ascendant with an 8 degree orb. Fortuna and the Moon square the M.C. while Venus-Mercury-Mars trine the M.C. SR Venus and Mercury are on natal Venus-Mercury. This cluster of planets is angular in McCain’s natal 7th foreground. They trine natal Rahu in the fortunate 11th. So, though perhaps not a typical win solar return, this chart doesn’t suggest loss or obscurity. Since Obama’s solar return is clearly afflicted, this gives McCain’s return chart the superior position.

Election Ennead, October 10, 2008
3:31:14 a.m. EST Cocosolo

This is an interesting chart. The rising degree contains natal Sun at 13 Aquarius. Natally Uranus trines the Sun, so the ascendant is capturing that aspect. This chart has the much discussed transiting Saturn- Uranus in the asc (Saturn) descendant (Uranus) foreground. I think first of all this reflects the finaal days of the election contest.

But then the question is which planet will win out--Saturn on natal Neptune in the 7th or Uranus on natal Saturn in the 1st? Both Saturn and Uranus are McCain’s ascendant lords. With Uranus transiting its own sign, and conjoining a first house Saturn, I’d give the edge to Saturn (McCain) over the opposition. Transiting Venus is also partile trine to Uranus. This chart has one strong hint of success: natal M.C.-Jupiter on the I.C./nadir. A natal 7th house Sun can be problematic to interpret because the Self, the Sun is in the house of the Other. In this ennead chart the Self moves to the ascendant, while the ascendant is in the house of the Other. It seems the easiest way to interpret this configuration is election conflict.

Inauguration Ennead, December 28, 2008
1:39:17 p.m. EST Cocosolo

This chart looks decidedly successful. Aries rises. Jupiter is at the MC/Zenith with Mercury. Natal Moon and Pluto/Fortuna are on the MC/IC axis, ennead Jupiter on the Moon. Ennead Fortuna, one degree from the Inauguaral ascendant is on McCain’s natal Uranus, ascendant lord. Ascendant lord Mars is with Pluto and Sun in the 9th. All are on natal Rahu in the 11th. With transiting Uranus on natal Saturn above the earth while Saturn on natal Neptune-Venus is below, the inauguration picture seems to be brilliantly clear. The inauguration lunar return on December 29 at 2:35:26 p.m. presents essentially the same picture as the ennead. Twenty four degrees of Aries rises for Cocosolo. 11 Taurus rises for Washington D.C.with Venus in the 9th near the zenith. Uranus is on natal Saturn is in the 10th.

The Washington DC location of this ennead gives an ascendant of 23 Aries, only two degrees from the inaugural ascendant McCain’s ascendant lord, Uranus is above both ascendants. I can’t see how this chart can reflect anything but extreme success. There is no hedging of bets or roundabout rhetoric. If the 6:25 p.m. birth time is correct for McCain, he will be our next president.

Incidentally, the possibility of severe illness or death that I saw in the 2009 solar return isn’t present in a return based on a 6:25 p.m. time of birth. McCain’s 2011 solar return, however, suggests a normal, peaceful exit from the earth. That is, he won’t suffer violence from others.

Therese Hamilton
Completed 17 October 2008
2:42 p.m. PDT

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